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First and foremost, I wouldn’t have done much in the field of color without Dan Margulis. He’s ultimately responsible for my hopefully healthy insanity about the subject. One of the reasons why I write is because he strongly encouraged me – so you know who to blame other than me.

Many MOonS ago, Daniele Di Stanio convinced me that opening my own blog would be a decent idea. I was reluctant, but started marcoolivotto.com mainly after his suggestion. Therefore, MOonPHOTOSHOP wouldn’t exist without him, I think.

Doris Franceschini has held the keys to colorcorrectioncampus.com and marcoolivotto.com for a long time. While discussing those sites, she actually taught me to web-think. Have I learned something? I don’t know, and neither I know whether she realized how important her suggestions were. Yet a lot of them, somehow, are in this blog.

Marco Campedelli, renowned artist and graphic designer, took my early and rough MOonPHOTOSHOP lettering, suggested a few changes and ultimately turned it into what it is now. His contribution was as precious as his friendship.

Davide Barranca undertook the daunting task of teaching me how to edit and fine-tune css from scratch. We did it in a facebook chat over a couple of evenings. He is as patient as a stone and you wouldn’t probably be seeing any output on these pages without his inputs.

Erika and Sofia Feraboli (aka “The Twins”) are two of my Illustrator students at IDP in Verona. In 48 hours they produced more sketches for the header image than I could have dreamed of. I think the chosen one represents me and what I try to do better than anything else. Thanks girls – you have an embarrassing and uncommon talent.

Last but by no means least, Annalisa Di Vito attended one of my workshops on color in Naples in 2013. Besides being a talented graphic designer she is also one of my music pushers. She had a sneak peek at the blog in construction, saw my confuse attempt at creating the subject icons and generously offered to help. The whole set arrived a day later to my astonished surprise. It has a sensitive vision and shows a deep understanding of the subject and of the philosophy of this blog. Once again, I am deeply indebted.

"Go as deep as you can get."

© 2014 Marco Olivotto & C snc | 1/A Via per Sasso – 38060 NOGAREDO (TN) | ITALY | VAT NO. 01813490222

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