(This article was originally released on marcoolivotto.com on September 9, 2012. It was the first article I wrote in English for that blog.)
So… a new start!
All the original articles in this blog were originally written in Italian, yet I received enough requests to translate them into English that I decided to oblige. I start from this article which, curiously, was the most impromptu article I ever wrote: someone posted something in the CCC – Color Correction Campus group on facebook and when I saw it I went into Auto Write mode. The whole thing was written in less than a couple of hours. If you’re interested in what it is about, read on.
About a month ago, namely on the 6th of August, the vehicle called Curiosity Rover (AKA MSL – Mars Science Laboratory) landed on Mars after a trip of about eight months. Among the scientific equipment it carries, the vehicle sports MastCam, an image capturing system which is actually formed by two cameras able to produce stereoscopic views. Dario Giannobile made a post on the CCC facebook group, pointing to an article which undoubtedly contains a reference to an operation of color correction performed on an image (in color) sent to the Earth by the Curiosity Rover.